Friday, May 2, 2014

Why Rain Gutters are Needed.

There are several good reasons as to why everyone needs rain gutters, here are 3 of the best reasons why:

1) FOUNDATION PROBLEMS- Expansion and contraction of the soil around your home is the number one reason for slab failure. As the cycle repeats, support to the foundation can be compromised, leading to cracked masonry and/or sticking doors or windows.

2) STAINING OF EXTERIOR WALLS- Rainwater cascading off an un-guttered roof will hit the ground with enough force to cause a splash-back. Grass, dirt, and mineral particles end up on the exterior of the home which creates unsightly stains that are difficult to remove or hide.

3) DAMAGE TO LANDSCAPING- Plants, flowers, mulch, and soil located under the drip line of an 
un-guttered roof can suffer from the runoff. This runoff can result in erosion or over watering that will permit harmful fungus to develop.

These are 3 very valid reasons as to why homes need gutter protection.
With System Home Improvement Products of North Alabama,
we guarantee that your new gutters will be more efficient than any others you could choose.
To learn more information about our gutter protection products, you may visit our webpage, facebook page, or call us. Don't let your home and landscaping suffer, get your gutter protection today!

System Home Improvement Products of North Alabama
Official supporters of family time.
